Only verified Foapers - users who have joined missions and whose content has been approved - can comment on missions and photos.
1. Be Nice: No name-calling or rudeness, please. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
2. Stay on Topic: Keep your comments related to the discussion at hand. Don't use the comment section to promote your own stuff.
3. No links or DMs: Don't share links or usernames from other platforms. Solicitation and off-platform transactions are strictly prohibited.
4. No Hate: Don't make derogatory comments based on someone's race, gender, religion, or anything else. Let's keep it respectful.
5. Keep it Legal: No talking about illegal stuff. Let's all stay out of trouble.
6. No Stealing: Don't post other people's work as your own. It's obvious.
7. Respect Privacy: Do not share your or anyone else's personal information.
8. No Trolling: Don't try to start fights or cause trouble. That's just not fun for anyone.
9. Comment in English: If you're not proficient in English, we suggest using ChatGPT or Google Translate.
10. Follow the Guidelines: Make sure you're following the forum's guidelines and any specific rules for the discussion thread.
We closely monitor the comments sections and comments that are not in accordance with the rules can be removed. If the rules are seriously or repeatedly violated, the Foap account may be deleted without a warning.
Let's keep it friendly and respectful! :)
These are general guidelines for commenting on photos, posts, and missions. However, please note that specific Crowds may have their own set of rules. To find out the specific guidelines for a particular Crowd, simply visit the Posts section within that Crowd.